
Know Your Customer Solutions

Our diligent and robust solutions guarantee legal compliance and provide you with peace of mind. Our best-in-class KYC solutions are available for all client types, enabling you to enhance compliance and provide outstanding client onboarding.

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KYC Platform For Business And Consumer Applications

Customer risk portfolios depends on Know Your Customer (KYC) processes. Moreover, they are necessary for effective anti-money laundering (AML) compliance. The KYC process involves businesses verifying the identities of their clients. As a result, businesses are able to accurately assess the risks associated with doing business with a particular customer.


KYC Solutions for Businesses

Businesses need to be aware of who they are doing business with and how they can mitigate the risk associated with that customer. Customer due diligence (CDD) helps protect businesses from criminals, terrorists or Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs). CDD is aimed at preventing money laundering, corruption and other illegal financial activities from happening.


Robust KYC database

IDMERIT has access to official data sources in over 90+ countries. This means IDMERIT can delve more deeply into the individuals being checked, assess risk based on key indicators, and flag potential problems pertaining to money laundering, fraud and the possibility of misdirection of funds to finance terrorism. This makes our digital KYC Solutions a robust platform.


Advanced KYC Platform & Solutions

IDMERIT's KYC platform offers a simple, yet customizable solution to meet any B2B and B2C application requirement. Our KYC solutions consists of flexible, easy-to-use modules that can be adapted to accommodate different companies, industries and business models.

Ready to get started?

Feel free to talk to our identity experts about your requirements or schedule a demo with them.

Book a Demo


What is KYC?

What is AML?

What is KYB?

What is IDMlive? How does it work?

What types of data sources are used for identity verification portal?

Do the required data fields differ from country to country?


We ensure top-notch privacy and compliance standards for your business, so that you can focus on what matters most.
