
Agent-Assisted Video ID Verification

Live customer verification with agent assistance. IDMlive, a video identification software provide a secure and convenient way to verify customeridentities remotely.

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Video ID Verification By Live Agents

IDMlive is a live video-based ID verification service that lets you securely and easily verify the presence of remote consumers. With the right tools and processes in place, you can quickly, easily and accurately confirm whether someone is who they say they are over a video conference.

  • Secure & Trusted Customer Onboarding with a live agent
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Compliance with Regulations (KYC, GDPR, AML)

How IDMlive Works?

You may quickly and securely enroll distant clients with the help of IDMlive. A video-based verification solution will confirm your customer's identification in accordance with their digital ID to thwart scammers at the gate. KYC/AML compliance is made sure of, which promotes client confidence online and lowers abandonment rates. Biometrics and liveness detection combined with AI-based technologies assure that clients are legitimate. IDMlive can help you automate the client onboarding process, reduce risk, and stop fraud. Customers may be verified via live video conferencing, which helps with swift identification verification and authentication. Our kyc video verification uses face-to-face interaction to authenticate identity of clients.

Ready to get started?

Feel free to talk to our identity experts about your requirements or schedule a demo with them.

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What is KYC?

What is AML?

What is KYB?

What is IDMlive? How does it work?< span>

What types of data sources are used for identity verification portal?

Do the required data fields differ from country to country?


We ensure top-notch privacy and compliance standards for your business, so that you can focus on what matters most.
